2021-2022 Results

Math League 2022

By Kelly Lazar

Math League continued its partnership with Arete Labs this year. We would like to take the opportunity to thank Tim for his partnership and leadership, Vinita Lobo for her leadership as High School coordinator, for the 83 coaches and for the over 1100 students who participated this year in these unprecedented times. While we have missed the camaraderie of in-person competitions, we feel fortunate to have had the ability to continue to offer this form of engagement and competition in mathematics with students outside the classroom. We are thankful to the coaches for finding ways to make these scrimmages take place amidst their busy schedules and various restrictions.

While all teams fought long and hard to demonstrate their love and strength of problem solving, we are thankful and hopeful that each team benefitted from this opportunity. After 4 scrimmage weeks, the top 8 teams at each level, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade and 10th-12th grades were entered into a bracket, one round elimination. There were some great moments of teachers (losing by narrow margins, for example) showing exceptional sportsmanship. It was great to see. Beyond the winning/losing mechanism, I just hope all students became better problem solvers through the course of the season. Congratulations to the winners of each bracket and to all of the participants. Without you, this would not be possible.

2022 Results

7th Grade Bracket

8th Grade Bracket

9th Grade Bracket

10th - 12th Grade Bracket